Secondary insured The secondary insured is often the spouse or partner or secondary owner who is listed on the deed of the home. If the home is owned by more than one person, they must also be listed on the insurance policy in order to receive their portion of the benefit of insurance.
Breed For mixed breeds: If the mix is of two listed breeds, select the breed the dog most closely resembles. Select other if the mix is of: - Two non-listed breeds, or - A listed breed and non-listed breed
Units in building A unit has one kitchen and locked doors separating it from other units.
How many people are living in your unit? Include residents who consider this address their primary home. Include dependent children, even if they are away at boarding school or college for most of the year.
Personal property Inflation and age decrease the value of your possessions.
Personal liability coverage When a claim or judgment is brought against you, legal and medical costs can add up quickly. Choose an amount you feel covers your risk.
Medical coverage If someone gets hurt on your property who is not a member of your household, or if you injure someone.